Ferenc FarkasA european composer
Free scores available for download!
We are very pleased to announce that you’ll now be able to download all the scores of the non-published works from Ferenc Farkas directly from our website!
New CD release!
Piano works 1 on Stradivarius
The Italian pianist Stefano Cascioli has undertaken to record the complete works of Ferenc Farkas for piano.
The first of the 3 CDs, which has just been released, contains 8 pieces from Farkas’s catalog:
Quaderno Romano , Hybrides , Three fantasias , 3X33 , Canephorae , Movimento improvvisato , Maschere , Sonata no.1

New CD release!
Chamber music, volume six
on Toccata classics
Toccata classics recordings just released a new volume in its Ferenc Farkas series which focuses on chamber music with violin.
Featuring Gyula Stuller (violin), Yukari Shimanuki (viola), Dénes Várjon (piano) and the Stuller Quartet.

This is the official website of Hungarian composer Ferenc Farkas (1905 - 2000).
It is maintained by his son, Andras Farkas and his family and aims to provide as much content as possible about the work and life of Ferenc Farkas.
Content is under active development and will be regularly added.
Your participation is welcome!
This website is open sourced on GitHub . Any input regarding missing content, technical issues, feature requests or collaboration is very appreciated!